Membership renewal or application for 2021 is now open. Members of old and new are welcome. Whether you are a player, social or céili member, the renewal/application forms are available HERE. The club shop will be open Monday from 6-7pm to facilitate membership payments. Anyone wishing to pay via direct debit bank transfer, please send details including your name, address, email address and membership type to the club WhatsApp on 0852508357. You will then receive a response with the club transfer details. When processing direct debit for membership payment, please clearly identify yourself in the statement.
The AGM was initially scheduled to take place on January 27 but has now be re-scheduled until Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 8pm.
A meeting invite with details of how to access the online AGM will be sent to each member by email nearer the date. In addition members will be provided with copies of reports and the list of nominations in advance of the meeting in line with the timeline set out in the Official Guide.
In normal circumstances the cut-off date for eligibility to participate in the club's AGM is 31 March 2020 per the Official Guide. However this has been extended by Central Council and any reference to 31 March within the club constitution should be replaced with 31 October for this year only.
In summary any full member that has paid their membership subscription in full prior to 31 October 2020 is eligible to 1) attend the AGM; 2) seek nomination to run for election to the club's executive committee; and 3) vote at the AGM. Whilst the AGM will be held online, as normal a member must be present at the AGM if they are seeking to run for election.
If you have not received email correspondence, then that means we do not have your email address on record and would ask that you email with your name and email address so that you can take part in the AGM.
Lastly please find a blank nomination form and motion available for download below. If you wish to nominate someone for a position on the executive we would ask that you do so with their prior consent. As per the official guide nomination papers should be returned to the club within 21 days of the AGM. That is to say that they should be received by the club no later than Wednesday, January 27, 2021. They can be posted to the club, dropped off at the club postbox or emailed to
AGM downloads: