We are thrilled that our games are set to return after all of 117 days on the sidelines.
Our Academy, which runs Monday and Saturday at St Mark's SNS All Weather Pitch will return on April 26.
Therefore, we have compiled a list of everything you need to know ahead of that return.

BEFORE ACADEMY SESSION, PARENTS/GUARDIANS SHOULD: • Complete the COVID-19 GAA Education Module: https://courses.gaa.ie/Covid19ClubEd/#/
• Complete the health questionnaire (Safe Return for Gaelic Games) in advance of each session and send to Denise. This must be completed the day before academy to ensure mentors have appropriate player checklists in place. This can be found here: https://returntoplay.gaa.ie
• Ensure their child arrives togged and ready for Academy. Unfortunately dressing rooms remain closed. • Ensure their child has their own water bottle, marked with the child’s name. • Ensure child has appropriate clothing i.e. mouthguard, hurley, helmet, rain jacket. Sharing of equipment will not be permitted. • No person or child should attend academy if they are unwell or members of their household are showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
Several new operational practices were introduced due to Covid-19. The below list outlines but is not limited to measures taken to ensure safety of all participants and volunteers:
• All participants and volunteers must complete GAA health questionnaire prior to attending Academy
• Kids allocated playing “pods” and coach for the session • Drop off and collection protocols will be in place. There will be drop off times by year of birth (where possible) • Sanitation station at venue used at signing in. • All equipment sanitised before and after use • No use of indoor facilities. • There must be ONE designated Parent/Guardian in attendance at training each week.This year more than ever it is essential that this maintained, in case a child becomes unwell, or if they need assistance with their equipment etc. • We would also ask that any body that stays must practise social distance while in attendance.
PLAYING YOUR PART VOLUNTEERING: To ensure the continued growing success of the Academy it is essential that parents become involved and assist with the coaching of the children, and the development of their own child. Very often parents may be worried that they may not have enough knowledge or experience of Gaelic Games. This is not an issue as every year most of our coaches begin at the very same starting point, and there is plenty of opportunities for first time coaches to learn knew skills. We would greatly appreciate any help that can be given If you are interested in helping out, please don’t hesitate to tell (Gavin).
We would encourage as many parents as possible to become full members of the club and be involved in their child’s sporting development through St Mark’s GAA.
We know that these are difficult times and we will get through this all working together. We thank you for your help and understanding over the next couple of testing months.
Regards, Gavin & Denise (Academy coordinators)
For full details on the Academy, click HERE.
For full details on becoming a member, click HERE.